Latin Courses
LAT 101 Latin I (GE) (4)
Introduction to vocabulary and grammar of classical Latin with emphasis on reading comprehension.
LAT 102 Latin II (GE) (4)
Continuation of LAT 101. Further introduction to vocabulary and grammar of classical Latin with emphasis on reading comprehension. Prerequisite: LAT 101.
LAT 175R Topics in Latin (3)
Topics in Latin
LAT 201 Latin III (GE) (3)
Readings from classical Latin prose authors such as Caesar and Cicero. Review of grammar. Prerequisite: LAT 102.
LAT 202 Latin IV (GE) (3)
Readings from classical Latin poets such as Vergil and Ovid. Review of grammar. Prerequisite: LAT 201 or consent of instructor.
LAT 275R Topics in Latin (3)
Topics in Latin
LAT 375R Topics in Latin (3)
Topics in Latin. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
LAT 385R Directed Study in Latin (3)
Directed study in Latin. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.