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Academic Status

The following are policies on academic standing, class standing, grade point average, president's list, dean's list, academic probation, academic suspension, appeal of academic suspension, academic administrative withdrawal, extracurricular eligibility, and leave of absence.

Academic Standing

Students are responsible for maintaining satisfactory academic performance. Any freshman or sophomore who, at the end of any semester, has a cumulative grade-point average below 1.80 is not in good academic standing. Any junior or senior who, at the end of any semester, has a cumulative grade-point average below 2.0 is not in good academic standing.

Year Standing TEST

Students with fewer than 26 hours are classified as freshmen. Students with at least 26 hours but less than 56 hours are classified as sophomores. Students with at least 56 hours but less than 88 hours are classified as juniors. Students with 88 hours or more are classified as seniors.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Southern Virginia University uses a four-point grading system:

4.00 A
3.67 A-

EXCELLENT. The grade of A is given for excellence in individual assignments, examinations and performances, and for consistently outstanding work over the course of a semester. Depending upon the subject matter of the course, and upon whether the course is introductory or more advanced, an A may indicate one or more of the following: thorough knowledge of facts and major ideas; application of methods or concepts to new situations; mastery of skills; creativity and independence of thought; critical, evaluative thinking; clear, lucid expression; and responsible, enthusiastic participation in course activities.

3.33 B+
3.00 B
2.67 B-

GOOD. The grade of B is given for work which shows significant achievement in most or all of the course goals, but which lacks some of the consistency, depth of understanding, mastery of skills, carefulness of execution, or creativity of A-level work. A grade of B for the semester indicates that the student is well beyond the level of proficiency required to move on to more advanced studies in the same subject.

2.33 C+
2.00 C
1.67 C-

AVERAGE. The grade of C is given for work that broadly satisfies course requirements, but without achieving the depth of proficiency in the difficult concepts and skills required for A-level and B-level work. A grade of C may also indicate carelessness in execution, a lack of consistency in performance, and a failure to achieve the creativity, independence, and depth of thought found in A-level and B-level work.

1.33 D+
1.00 D

MINIMAL PASSING. The grade of D is given for performance that merits passing credit, but which shows considerable deficiencies, and which typically indicates that the student is not prepared for more advanced studies in the course subject. For individual assignments, a grade of D indicates fulfillment of basic requirements of the assignment, and some academic achievement, but with serious defects or errors, or failure to master important concepts and skills.

0.00 F

FAILURE. The grade of F for the semester indicates that the student's work does not merit any college credit. For an individual assignment, a grade of F may indicate failure to complete the assignment or performance, or a failure to fulfill minimum standards of acceptable work.

Grade point averages are calculated by assigning numeric values called "quality points" to letter grades. One credit hour of A earns four quality points, one credit hour of B earns three quality points, one credit hour of C earns two quality points, one credit hour of D earns one quality point, and one credit hour of F or I (Incomplete) earns no quality points. Plus and minus (+/-) grades earn increments of quality points as shown in the above table.

A student's GPA is calculated by dividing the sum of earned quality points by the sum of attempted credit hours for all courses receiving a grade used in calculating the GPA. Grades A through F and the grade of I are used in calculating a student’s GPA. Other grades such as AU (Audit), NC (No Credit), P (Pass), SP (Satisfactory Progress), T (Transfer), W (Withdrawal), WA (Administrative Withdrawal), and WIP (Work in Progress) carry no quality points and are not used in calculating the GPA. A grade with an asterisk (*) has been forgiven in the GPA because the course has been repeated. Only work taken at Southern Virginia University is used in the GPA.

President's List

The President's List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes all full-time students who achieved a semester grade point average that places them in the top 10 percent of current students.

Provost's List

The Provost's List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes all full-time students who achieved a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher.

Academic Probation

Students are responsible for maintaining satisfactory academic performance. Students and the University should work together to help students avoid Academic Probation or loss of good standing. The purpose of Academic Probation, and of the Student Academic Support Team (Support Team), is to put the student in the best position to succeed and help the Support Team maintain the strongest possible relationship and sources of motivation to help the student succeed.

To help students on Academic Probation or no longer in Good Standing, Student Academic Support Teams (Support Teams) will be formed and designated by the Provost. Support Teams may include an academic advisor, an extracurricular program leader, teacher or coach, an interested faculty or professional staff member, and/or any other appropriate, interested, and responsible party designated by the Provost.

Probation. (<1.8GPA but >1.0GPA cumulative after at least 24 credits)

Any student who, after full-time enrollment of at least two semesters, has a cumulative grade-point average below 1.80 will be placed on Academic Probation, but will remain in good standing subject to the following:

  1. Continued or Resolved Probation: If a student on Academic Probation (1) works constructively with his or her Support Team under the direction of the Office of the Provost, and (2) raises his or her GPA during the following semester, the Support Team may, depending on the extent of improvement, recommend to the Provost either continuation or removal from probationary status.

  2. Failed Probation: If a student on Academic Probation (1) does not work cooperatively with the Support Team, and/or (2) does not raise his or her GPA during the following semester, the student would no longer be in good standing, and therefore ineligible to participate in University-sponsored extracurricular programs or organizations such as performing arts groups or athletic teams.

Not in Good Standing (<1.0GPA after at least 24 credits, or failed Probation)

Any student who, after full-time enrollment of at least two semesters, has a cumulative grade-point average below 1.0 is no longer in good standing and is ineligible to participate in University-sponsored extracurricular programs or organizations.

  1. Continued or Resolved Lack of Good Standing: If a student who is not in good standing (1) works constructively with a Support Team (Support Team) under the direction of the Office of the Provost, and (2) raises his or her GPA for a subsequent semester to a level above 2.00, the Support Team may recommend to the Provost that the student be permitted to enroll or to be returned to good standing on Academic Probation, subject to I.A. above.

  2. Suspension: If a student who is not in good standing (1) does not work with his or her Support Team, or (2) does not make significant academic improvement, the Provost would normally determine that the student is no longer eligible to enroll for classes at the University.

Appeal of Academic Suspension

An appeal of academic suspension must be in writing and submitted to the Provost's Office within 14 days from the date of the notice of a student's suspension. Appeals may be submitted by fax. Appeals of academic suspension are reviewed and decided by the Academic Affairs Council and ratified by the provost.

Academic Administrative Withdrawal

The University administration reserves the right to administratively withdraw at any time a student whose conduct or academic standing they regard as unacceptable. In such a case the student will receive grades of "WA" in all classes. Fees and tuition will be refunded according to the standard refund schedule. Students who are administratively withdrawn for academic reasons are considered on academic suspension and any appeal of such a withdrawal and the terms for reinstatement at Southern Virginia are governed by the University's policy regarding academic suspension.

Extracurricular Eligibility

Part of the ethos at Southern Virginia University is an ideal of developing the whole self; as such, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities that will complement and extend their curricular pursuits in the development of mind, body, and spirit. That said, extracurricular activities at Southern Virginia University are a privilege. As a result, the eligibility threshold for participation in extracurricular activities at Southern Virginia is the maintenance of a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.80 for freshmen and sophomores, and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for juniors and seniors.

Students whose cumulative GPA falls below this level may not publicly represent the university (i.e. speak, play, sing, or otherwise participate in an official event or meeting) and are limited to a maximum of five hours total per week participation in all university-sponsored extracurricular activities (such as club meetings or athletic practice), unless such participation is expressly required by an academic course in which the student is currently enrolled. Examples of extracurricular activities governed by this policy include, but are not limited to, intercollegiate athletics, clubs, theatre productions, musical groups and student government.

Leave of Absence

A student who wishes to leave Southern Virginia University by his or her own choice, for any reason, may apply for a Leave of Absence with the Registrar's Office for a specified period of time not to exceed 180 days in any 12-month period. For re-admittance to Southern Virginia University, the student must notify the Admissions Office of his or her intent to return, provide an updated Ecclesiastical Endorsement, honor pledge, and transcripts from any school which the student attended in the interim. If a curriculum program has been discontinued during the student’s absence, Southern Virginia is under no obligation to complete that program for the student. Students who do not return for the specified term will be withdrawn retroactive to their leave date and may face financial consequences.