Philosophy Courses
PHI 175R Topics in Philosophy (3)
Topics in philosophy.
PHI 210 History of Philosophy I (GE) (3)
Western civilization from Greek antiquity to the Renaissance focusing primarily on philosophy. No prerequisite.
PHI 215 History of Philosophy II (GE) (3)
Western civilization from the Renaissance to present focusing primarily on philosophy. No prerequisite.
PHI 223 Introduction to Logic (GE) (3)
Critical thinking through recognizing, symbolizing, and evaluating arguments for validity. Includes propositional logic and some predicate logic. Satisfies general education requirement in mathematics.
PHI 257 Early Chinese Philosophy (GE) (3)
Introduction to early Chinese philosophy, including Confucianism, Moism, Daoism, and Legalism. Basic instruction on how to read classical Chinese may be included. No prerequisites.
PHI 275R Topics in Philosophy (3)
Topics in philosophy.
PHI 325R Topics in Logic and Rationality (3)
Topics in logic and rationality such as the philosophy of science, intermediate logic, and decision theory. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 326 Epistemology (3)
Historical and contemporary theories of knowledge and the justification of belief. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 333 Metaphysics (3)
Historical and contemporary theories of reality, including such topics as realism/nominalism, free will/determinism, diachronic identity, the mind/body problem, essentialism/anti-essentialism, alethic realism/anti-realism, and causation, the nature of space and time. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 335R Topics in Metaphysics (3)
Topics in metaphysics, broadly construed, such as the philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, theories of truth, and free will. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 340 Ethics (3)
Philosophical theories of human happiness, virtue, right action, and motivation. Issues in applied ethics may also be addressed. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 345R Topics in Ethics (3)
Topics in ethics, broadly construed, such as metaethics, normative ethics, applied ethics, practical reason, political philosophy, and philosophy of law. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 350 Political Philosophy (3)
Philosophical theories concerning the good society and the justification of government. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 355R Topics in Ancient Philosophy (3)
Topics, movements, or figures in ancient philosophy ranging from the Presocratics to the Neoplatonists. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 365R Topics in Modern Philosophy (3)
Topics, movements, or figures in modern philosophy ranging from Descartes to Kant. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 375R Topics in Philosophy (3)
Selected topics, movements, or figures in philosophy. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 385R Directed Study in Philosophy (3)
Directed study in philosophy. Prerequisite: LIB 110.
PHI 475R Topics in Philosophy (3)
Advanced topics, movements, or figures in philosophy. Prerequisites: PHI 223 and one of LIB 110.
PHI 498 Senior Paper (2-3)
Development and completion of a significant piece of philosophical writing. Prerequisite: philosophy major and senior class standing.