Physics Courses
PHY 114 Physical Science (GE) (4)
This course is an introduction to the basic scientific principles of Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy and Geology. Attendance at weekly lab sessions is required. During these lab sections, students will make observations, take data, make predictions and verify them using simple calculations.
PHY 117 Physics Fundamentals (GE) (3)
A qualitative treatment of the fundamental principles of classical and modern physics. Examines modern applications of technology and ideas that stem from these basic principles. Investigates how science and modern society influence each other. Satisfies the physical science without a lab requirement in the Core. Prerequisites: none.
PHY 126 Astronomy (GE) (3)
Study of the motion, physical properties, evolution, and environments of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Includes observing activities.
PHY 175R Topics in Physics (3)
Topics in physics.
PHY 201 General Physics I (GE) (4)
General principles of physics including one- and two-dimensional motion, rotational motion, and conservation of momentum and energy. Includes a laboratory component. Prerequisite: MAT 115 or consent of instructor.
PHY 202 General Physics II (4)
General principles of physics including waves, electricity, magnetism, relativity, and modern physics. Includes a laboratory component. Prerequisite: PHY 201 with a grade of “C-” or better.
PHY 275R Topics in Physics (3)
Topics in physics.
PHY 375R Topics in Physics (3)
Topics in physics. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
PHY 385R Directed Study in Physics (3)
Directed Study in Physics. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
PHY 399 Internship/Practicum in Physics (3)
Internship or practicum in field of potential employment or advanced study. Internship proposal must be approved before registration. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.