
Writing Courses

WRI 110 Introduction to Composition (3)
Introduction to college writing, with an emphasis on developing the ability to express one’s ideas and personal experiences in a clear and convincing manner. Students receive instruction in the elements of composition (thesis development, paragraphing, and selection and organization of evidence) and hone their ability to identify and repair major grammatical errors. Attention is given to strengthening oral communication and developing vocabulary. Students also receive instruction concerning how to access and use learning resources provided by the university.  ENG 110 is for students who would benefit from additional preparation prior to ENG 120, generally those with ACT verbal scores of 20 or lower, or SAT verbal scores of 500 or lower, with final placement based on the results of the SVU writing proficiency test. Students must pass ENG 110 with a C- or better before proceeding to WRI 120 College Composition.

WRI 120 College Composition (GE) (3)
Development of critical thinking skills through reading, writing, and speaking with an emphasis on refining one’s ability to identify, propose, and defend text-based claims. Includes guidance in analytical reading as well as instruction in the writing, editing, and research processes. Students also receive instruction concerning how to access and use learning resources provided by the university.  This course is for those students prepared for the rigors of college writing, generally those with a SAT verbal score of 510 or higher or an ACT verbal score of 21 or higher, with final placement based on the results of the SVU writing proficiency test. ENG 120 required for all first-year students, but waived for those scoring 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Test.

WRI 219R Journalism and Public Communication (Var.)
Journalism and newspaper production. Students are part of The Herald staff and contribute to the content and production of the newspaper. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.

WRI 320 Advanced Writing (GE) (3)
An advanced writing course with a rhetorical writing curriculum. To be taken by the end of the junior year.