Psychology Courses
PSY 105 General Psychology (GE) (3)
This is a required course for Psychology majors and minors. An overview of the major areas of study in the field of psychology. Introduction to concepts and critical thinking skills that are used in psychology and that will help students learn to think like a psychologist. Major theoretical perspectives in psychology, research methods, and concepts from different content areas such as physiological psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, and many others will be covered. There are no prerequisites for this course.
PSY 230 Lifespan Development (3)
This course explores various aspects of human development (cognitive, social, physical, psychological) from conception to death. Developmental concepts and theories will be reviewed and applied in the study of the various stages of life. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 275R Topics in Psychology (3)
Topics in psychology.
PSY 290 Research Methods (3)
This is a required course for Psychology majors. This course will provide students with an opportunity to create, conduct, analyze and interpret (quasi)experimental research. Students will also refine their ability to analyze claims made by a variety of sources. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 310 Cultural Psychology (3)
This course will explore the principles, theories, and applications of multiculturalism. Students will examine one’s own sense of self and others’ identity, beliefs and assumptions, and behaviors. Theories, research, and skills will be explored so that students can acquire the necessary multicultural competencies for effective work with individuals from diverse backgrounds (i.e., culture, race, ethnicity, class, age, religion & gender) in multicultural environments (i.e., public schools, community organizations). Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 320 Social Psychology (3)
A study of the individual’s influence upon the group and vice versa. Topics include deciding whether to help those in need, explaining romantic attraction, overcoming racial and ethnic stereotyping, conforming to group expectations, and leading effectively. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 323 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3)
Designed to introduce you to a variety of topics, concepts, and principles relevant to understanding and improving people at work from the time they enter the labor force until retirement as well as the organizations in which they work. This course focuses on understanding the psychological bases of work behaviors, cognition, and emotions. Additionally, the practices that can be implemented to create a good fit between employees’ characteristics and work demands is also covered. We will address a number of topics during this class, including the structure/characteristics of jobs, techniques for assessing and supporting employee performance, selecting and training a workforce, and the various mechanisms that influence employee motivation and attitudes, among other areas. Prerequisite: PSY 105
PSY 325 Psychology of Leadership (3)
The Psychology of Leadership course will examine leadership behavior in its many forms and facets. We will look at pros and cons of various leadership styles, focusing on the lives and examples of famous and not-so-famous leaders. We will explore the leadership characteristics that each one of us possesses. In keeping with the mission of SVU, emphasis will be placed on increasing understanding and application of servant leadership. Prerequisite: PSY 105
PSY 327 Psychology of Humor (3)
Humor is a ubiquitous and intriguing aspect of everyday life that touches on all areas of psychology. For example, humor may be viewed from the perspectives of personality, social, biological, developmental, cognitive, and clinical psychology. The purpose of this course is to examine ways in which theoretical and empirical methods drawn from each of these areas of psychology have been applied to the various phenomena of humor. Prerequisite: PSY 105
PSY 330 Cognitive Psychology (3)
This course examines some of the basic theories about what makes the human mind special, and why we think the way we do. Students in this course explore how the human mind processes information. This includes studying what the human mind is, how it develops through the lifespan, how it accomplishes the extraordinary achievements necessary for day-to-day living, and what happens when something goes wrong. Some major topics in this class include: perception, attention, memory, imagery, language, problem solving, and decision-making. Prerequisite: PSY 105
PSY 333 Psychology of Learning (3)
This course will focus on both how humans and animals learn, and on what we learn. Themes that will be covered include operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and vicarious learning. Modern applications of learning, such as applied behavior analysis and behavior modification techniques, will also be reviewed. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 335 Positive Psychology (3)
This course reviews recent advances in social and behavioral sciences relating to self-improvement and the attainment of happiness and “the good life” by exploring and applying topics such as personal values, skill and talent development, motivation, concentration, habits, routines and willpower. Prerequisite: PSY 105
PSY 340 Performance and Sports Psychology (3)
This course will focus on the psychological factors related to performance, be it in athletics, drama, dance, music, public speaking, et cetera. You will explore how social and psychological variables influence participation and performance in various activities. We will examine how such participation affects the psychological well-being of the individual. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 342 Sensation and Perception (3)
The purpose of this course is to review how information travels from the external environment to the brain (sensation), and how our experiences and expectations affect how we interpret environmental inputs (perception). Prerequisite: PSY 105. Recommended: Completion of the SVU Core Curriculum Life Science and Physical Science requirements.
PSY 345 Abnormal Psychology (3)
This is a required course for Psychology majors and minors. Study of the dynamics of maladjustment; major psychological disorders and therapeutic procedures. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 348 Psychology of Addiction (3)
The focus of this course is perspectives that inform how we understand addiction. Topics to be covered include: what is addiction, perspectives of addiction, developmental, social, and psychological aspects of addiction. Prevention efforts and treatment techniques will also be reviewed. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 350 Behavioral Neuroscience (3)
The purpose of this course is to examine basic principles of behavioral neuroscience. After reviewing the biological bases of behavior, a variety of behaviors, both pathologic and healthy, will be reviewed. Special emphasis will be given to brain functioning and behavior under normal conditions. Topics that may be discussed include functional neuroanatomy, neurotransmission, development of the brain and behavior, emotions and mental disorders, among others. Prerequisite: PSY 105. Recommended: Completion of the SVU Core Curriculum Life Science and Physical Science requirements.
PSY 355 Theories of Personality (3)
Theories of Personality – This course is a survey of the main theories and theorists of personality. Often a prerequisite course for graduate programs in psychology, Theories of Personality coursework will help students better understand themselves as well as how personalities develop and are sustained across a lifetime. Through lecture, discussions, readings, and experiential activities, a student will explore topics, principles, and theories related to identity and self-esteem, motivation and drive, stress and coping. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 375R Topics in Psychology (var.)
Topics in Psychology.
PSY 399 Internship/Practicum (var.)
This course is held on an individual basis, and is intended for students who wish to pursue an internship – either on campus, or out in the community. Please talk to 1 of the Psychology faculty if you are interested in completing an internship or practicum. Prerequisite: permission of Psychology faculty member.
PSY 420 Psychopharmacology (3)
This course examines how psychoactive drugs (both medications and drugs of abuse) get into the brain, how they create an effect while in the brain, and the processes that help the body remove drug from the body (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics). The effects of several classes of drugs, both abused and medicinal drugs, are also discussed. Prerequisite: PSY 105. Recommended: Completion of the SVU Core Curriculum Life Science and Physical Science requirements.
PSY 430 Experimental Methods (3)
Students in this course will design, carry out, interpret and analyze original psychological research projects, either alone or in small groups. It is recommended that students complete this course shortly after completing the prerequisites. Prerequisites: PSY 105, MAT 221, PSY 290
PSY 440 Counseling Psychology (3)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the counseling professions with an overview of professional identity and function, ethics, history, theories of counseling, cultural competency, credentialing, and licensure process for each area of specialty in the field. Prerequisite: PSY 105.
PSY 450 History and Systems of Psychology (3)
This is a required course for Psychology majors. This course provides a high-level overview of psychology as a distinct discipline. This course will help you develop a greater sense of who you are as a psychologist. Material from other courses will be integrated as we review broad themes from throughout the history of psychology, and compare the various schools of thought within psychology. You will be encouraged to evaluate these themes with regards to how you feel about yourself as a psychologist. The Major Field Test for Psychology will be administered as part of this course. This course serves as the senior capstone course. Prerequisites: PSY 105, at least 15 credits of completed PSY courses, and senior standing.
PSY 475 Senior Topics in Psychology (3)
Topics in Psychology.
PSY 499 Internship/Practicum (var.)
This class is run on an individual basis, and is intended for students completing a second internship, either on campus or in the community.